What to expect when your child is in P1, P2, P3 (Primary) & Transition?
- Parent and teacher need to give settling down time for the child. This would take a few weeks to a few months depending on the child. In Montessori terms, it’s called as settling down period
- The child happily participates in oral group activities, thereby initiating socialization.
- Child is shown How to Take care of Him/ Her-self. The child becomes independent in doing all his/her tasks
- Refinement and Development of Motor skills begin
- Presentations are given to prepare the child for math and language work
- The child starts tracing and writing symbols. ( Alphabets )
- He identifies the sounds corresponding to the symbols
- He starts listening to the sounds of a word in succession
- Stimulating and enhancing all senses of the child. (eg. tactile, stereognostic, kinesthetic, acoustic, visual etc.)
- The child now accurately identifies numbers, counts clearly, understands hierarchies, works with basic Arithmetic operations and writes numbers in succession
- The child starts writing words
- Oral Grammar concepts are given
- The older child starts working with all 4 Arithmetic operations
Slowly the child moves towards abstraction which means working without materials at times, solving word problems, and understanding basic combinations in all 4 operations.
- Child reads words and sentences with ease [ phonetically] moving towards reading independently
- Child starts writing sentences with punctuations
- Child starts to write in small paragraphs and express their thoughts onto paper. (Phonetically)
Child now understands to work with mathematical operations with change.
- Definition cards related to geometrical shapes, botany and landforms is presented
- Name lessons for all materials, triangles and materials of culture area are provided
- Child works independently with all culture puzzles[ India puzzle & Asia puzzle]
- Creative writing, dictation, Text book comprehension is established
- Child is able to identify the grammar concepts in a sentence. He understands opposites, singular/plural and tenses
- Child understands place value and fractions