The Montessori Method Basics that Support Natural Development of Children

The virtues of shaping our children using a method that allows them to develop into mature and responsible adults is being realized by people – the role of Montessori Method of education that fosters blooming young ones in a well-prepared environment has been universally recognized

Enabling child development with rational approach

The Montessori system of School education includes child development philosophy and logic for steering such growth. The following are the crucial developmental requirements of children that form the foundation of this method:

  •  A prudently prepared environment with opportunities for children to handle materials and learn by experiences
  •  Necessity for freedom within limits

It is through these developmental needs that children are encouraged to develop their physical and psychological skills and intelligence. Children’s natural desire and will for learning and their tendency to develop their own abilities are being fully used in Montessori Method of education. While children are guided by adults to learn their living, they are being offered with the responsibility to choose their options in life.

Underlying theories of Montessori Education

  •  Children need to be treated as different individuals; they have to be respected and considered different from adults
  •  Unlike adults, children are gifted with an unusual intellectual ability and sensitivity for understanding and learning from the environment – with high capacity and quality
  •  The first six years in a child’s life is the most crucial learning period, when unconscious learning process transforms into conscious level

Montessori Method of Schooling – the basic principles

  •  Respect for the Child
    • This is the primary principle upon which other principles rest. Children must not be taken for granted and asked to imitate adults in every way – they must be given their share of autonomy and choices and allowed to develop their own abilities of learning
  •  The Absorbent Mind
    • Children have an instinctive learning capability – they learn from the environment that they live in; their learning depends on their experiences and they have a mind that is constantly ready to learn
  •  Sensitive Periods
    • Children have sensitive periods when they are more susceptible to certain behaviors and during such periods, they are capable of learning particular skills easily
  •  The Prepared Environment
    • A prepared environment that offers a place for allowing children to do things on their own helps foster their learning – prepared environment offers experiences and learning materials to children in an orderly manner, enabling them to be active and independent
  •  Auto education
    • Children are born to learn – they have the capability to self-learn; Montessori Method involves preparing an atmosphere where children are able to educate themselves

Children are blessed with love and need toward purposeful work. Completion of a task is not their goal, like for adults, but they rather work for the sake of the task itself. Through accomplishing the activity, they meet the goal of developing themselves – their physical and psychological powers.

Sharanalaya Montessori School has been guiding young ones to develop their own skills and grow out to become mature adults capable of facing the challenges of the world. We are offering ICSE syllabus to children of class-VII starting from the next academic year, namely, 2017-18.