Montessori Education Nurtures Children’s Emotional Intelligence

It has been proven by studies that high emotional intelligence is one vital factor that propels people toward success in several areas. Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient has a major influence on virtues such as being innovative, confident, optimistic, and empathetic. Playing such a crucial role in individuals’ lives, it becomes imperative that children’s emotional intelligence be nurtured by teachers and parents.

Emotional Intelligence – the Basics
Emotional Intelligence, also known as emotional quotient (EQ), is one’s ability to manage one’s own emotions and emotionally-driven factors. One who is having a high EQ has the self-awareness and the confidence for controlling reactions, impulses, and associated behaviors in ways that influence success of social, career, and academic relationships.

How adults respond and react to children’s emotions (negative ones in particular) impacts the EQ level of children. When a child is helped to expand emotional awareness, it becomes possible by it to manage its own impulses and feelings. This also enables them to better understand the emotions and behaviors of the people around. These things are crucial in accomplishing happiness and overall success in life. Hence, it is essential to nurture children’s EQ.

How Does Montessori Method Nurture Emotional Intelligence?

  •  Parents and teachers must be firm, but kind: we need to acknowledge the emotion behind children’s outbursts – children who are in the middle of a meltdown are out of control and frightened by the strength of their emotions. They expect parents to sooth and secure them.
  •  Control yourself first: occupied in different activities, parents and teachers these days are very busy and are often exhausted or stressed – we must not get frustrated while handling children’s emotions and must adopt a cool attitude.
  •  Recognize and accept children’s emotions: Children’s negative emotional responses must not be dismissed or considered dramatic – all emotions experienced by a child are real.
  •  Check and understand what lies beneath: children’s meltdown may be caused by more than one factor – it is essential to patiently analyze and identify the causes
  •  Healthy habits must be developed: Enabling children to regulate their own emotions is the ultimate goal of nurturing emotional intelligence – ensuring that children have the right habits helps achieve this.

Sharanalaya School believes in teaching values of nature, along with values of education. Providing a safe and inclusive environment that lets each individual child to realize its potential is our endeavor. Visit for more details.