Freedom to Choose Independence While Being Disciplined to Mature through Montessori Method of Education

Visitors are generally marveled at the sight of young children in a calm and self-directed manner that is accompanied by the independence enjoyed by them in Montessori Schools – that’s the beauty of the Montessori System: a perfect balance and blending of structure and freedom. Maintaining a delicate balance is one of the tough challenges as well as rewarding aspects in Montessori teachers’ life!

Montessori Method Encourages Developing Discipline through Liberty
Although in common terms the word freedom may sound contradictory to discipline, Montessori Method of education balances these two factors. This system emphasizes allowing children to do what they like, develop their own skills in their own pace and style, while ensuring that general decorum and disciplined atmosphere is maintained throughout the process of learning. Here, freedom is not taken as a license to act according to your whims and fancies; it rather entrusts certain responsibilities in the classroom community.

How to Accomplish Joyful Obedience
Montessori Method insists on enabling children to reveal their self discipline through the liberty inherent in classrooms. Respect for authority is not diminished due to the independence offered here. Discipline and order are closely associated that they lead to freedom.

Concerned with developing children’s internal locus of control, this method enables individuals to choose and adopt the right behavior as it is recognized to be the right way for him or her as well as the community.

Discipline and obedience are connected. Before the age of three, children are practically unable to form the personality required to always obey. This is called the first level of obedience. The second level is when the child develops the capability to be obedient. Montessori Method goes beyond this, to the next level, namely, ‘joyful obedience’ where the child fully understands the benefits of obedience and offers to obey spontaneously.

Leveraging Practical Life Skills for Fostering Discipline

Misbehavior is mostly a side effect caused by insecure feeling of children. When they are under the feeling of being disempowered, children tend to behave in an indifferent manner. On the contrary, when they are engaged happily in satisfactory atmosphere in activities that please them and fulfill their passion, they achieve a sense of power and accomplishment.

When children start doing things for themselves, they develop essential skills to perform everyday activities such as cleaning, washing, and polishing. They feel in control and are confident. Necessitating them to follow a step-by-step process, this develops their focus and attention, enabling them to complete tasks. Here’s where logical thinking and discipline are naturally instilled in them.

The Sharanalaya Way of Nurturing Young Students

At Sharanalaya Montessori School, we ensure that children are facilitated to become disciplined naturally; we see that their love for meaningful activities is fostered by providing an environment that assures consistency and stimulation. We offer them great tools such as order, coordination, confidence, and independence. Our students are groomed to become disciplined and confident adults.

Sharanalaya Montessori School has been partnering with families in the endeavor of developing children into respectful adults. For further details, you may please visit our website

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