Fostering Courtesy and Harmony the Montessori Way

Montessori Method of education develops the ability to embrace cultural diversity while being polite to learn acceptance as well as appreciation for the inevitable differences among people; it is a major hallmark of students who have been raised through this system. Peace education is considered as an important part in the development of young children here.

Character Development in Montessori Education System
The Montessori approach focuses on the following in connection with character development and peace education:

  •  Respectful and loving environment
    •  Children’s minds must be open to all diversities and deviations in the environment; they must learn to see positive aspects in people – this can be achieved by creating a loving and respectful environment that embraces several customs, languages, food, and dress.
  •  Responsibility of action and words
    •  Harmony being the focus, Montessori schools help children in understanding the impact of their actions and words on others and themselves – this is reflected in things like learning to avoid hurtful or mean behavior. Developing discipline and self-control that turns children to be caring so that they treat others with essential patience and kindness is the focus here
  •  Building intelligence by nurturing compassion
    •  Children must be taught to understand the feelings of other people – they must be thoughtful about building trust and getting along well with others. Relating and communicating fairly and with respect is a vital skill that needs to be developed by children – this helps them throughout their life.

Montessori Method believes in the principle that establishing peace and harmony is the primary function of education. It is well known that a child’s mind is influenced by whatever actions and behaviors it sees during the growing years – their absorbent minds are influenced by these – here’s where creating purposeful and peaceful experiences during their developmental years is crucial. This is what is being achieved in the Montessori classroom.

Preparing the young mind to adjust well with the environment and developing children into socially responsible and skilled adults are a few of the principles on which Sharanalaya School operates. It is our endeavor to ensure that children are provided with practical knowledge and the character required to face the world. Visit our website for further details.