Benefits of Montessori Education as Proven by Studies

Montessori Method of education focuses more on the personal development of children rather than examination and assessment. Research has proven beyond doubt that this helps children to be innovative, more mature, and socially adept.

Montessori vs. Conventional Schooling-the Difference

Psychological evaluation has proved that considering a range of capabilities, children with Montessori Method of schooling clearly out-perform those hailing from traditional educational system.

A major difference that is tangible was felt exclusively in the children’s behavior and social adeptness. Having undergone the practical and individualized Montessori Method of learning, these children displayed an obviously greater sense toward being fair and just. They invariably interact better, with increased emotional intelligence and positive thinking. They are always found to behave in gentle and empathetic manner.

Evaluation of Students – the Montessori Method

While focusing more on personal progress and individual development of each student, Montessori Method doesn’t favor the conventional competitive assessment of performance through tests and grading.

Set in a prepared environment and guided using the most practical way that guides children to mature according to their personal capacity and interests, Montessori Method of learning and evaluating skills and values certainly outshines traditional systems of learning.

Why Montessori Method of Education Offers Better Outcomes

  • Typical home-like environment facilitates remarkable positive social impacts
  • Cognitive and behavioral skills of Montessori children is higher, due to the prepared environment in which they learn Social and academic skills among Montessori School children is found to be better Compared with traditionally educated children, those having undergone the Montessori Method of learning reflected positive assertive response while handling difficult situations
  • Improved sense of community is found in children from Montessori Schools

Exclusive Benefits of Montessori Method

  • Children develop Confidence: Montessori principle focuses on respecting the individuals – there is mutual respect among teachers and students, resulting in a high morale among students
  • Training the mind to be More Absorbent: Children are allowed to learn by themselves – they acquire knowledge by applying thought and doing things practically
  • Learning process in a Prepared Environment: When children are allowed to have a hands-on experience in learning everything, they are able to explore and educate themselves better
  • Self-education Method: Montessori Method aims at letting students have their own choice and mode of learning – active participation in learning and teaching juniors facilitates improved evolution of the children

Guiding children to grow in a serene and home-like environment and allowing them to be educated in natural and practical manner, Montessori classroom offers evidence-based education that enables them to mature into enlightened adults capable of facing the challenges of the world.